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Wrongdoing in Spain, 1800-1936: Realities, Representations, Reactions


AS - Alison Sinclair; SL - Samuel Llano; NO - Nadia Oberto

May 2011. ‘Bandits in 19th-century Spain: Bad Bad Men or Good Bad Men?’, talk at St Paul’s Boys’ School, London. (AS)

Feb 2012. ‘Bandits in 19th-century Spain’, talk at Patchey Girls’ Academy, Hackney (part of Clare College Outreach to Hackney Scheme). (AS)

June 2012. Participant in three-person discussion on tragedy, Hay on Wye literary festival (AS)

Sept 2012. ‘Consuming Wrongdoing’, lecture at alumni weekend, University of Cambridge. (AS)

Sept 2012. ‘Have we been tricked by the Trickster? Don Juan today, lecture at alumni weekend, University of Cambridge. (SL)

Oct 2012. ‘Reporting Nightmares of Society and History: Goya, Doré and their popular counterparts’, lecture at Festival of Ideas, University of Cambridge. (AS)

Nov 2012. ‘Don Juan in our Dreams and Nightmares’, lecture at Festival of Ideas, University of Cambridge. (SL)

May 2013. ‘Wrongdoing and Tale-Telling’: Jack Zipes in conversation with Alison Sinclair, The Milstein Exhibition Centre, University Library, Cambridge

May 2013. Cambridge Bibliographical Society, ‘Today we shall go slumming: the legacy of E. M. Wilson and his delight in popular literature’ (AS)

21 May 2013.  Visit of 40 pupils from Parkwood Primary School, Hackney, taken in two groups round exhibition, with initial 30 mins discussion. Also attended by Tim Eggington, librarian at Queens’ College, Cambridge, with a view to learning about bidding for funding to digitise their holdings. (AS)

20 June 2013. European Librarians visit to exhibition (15 from wide variety of countries). Brief talk and visit, including visit to conservation area. (AS)

24 June 2013.  Visit of 30 16-year olds from Edinburgh (part of Fitzwilliam outreach) to exhibition. (AS)

5 Sept 2013.  Visit to exhibition of 20 6th formers attending residential at Selwyn. (AS)

9 Oct 2013. ‘Creating a Shocking Display …. Questions of Taste and Impropriety’, with Vanessa Lacey, for Friends of the University Library. (AS)

10 Oct 2013. Visit from Perse School history students (16-17 yr olds) to exhibition. (AS)

11 Oct 2013.  Visit from Bedford School to exhibition (AS)

26 Oct 2013.‘Thrills and Chills’: visions of crime in Spain and England’. Two sessions of an
hour of interactive quiz on exhibition (with Vanessa Lacey). (AS)

October 2013, ‘Wrongdoing in Spain 1800-1939’, invited talk to Association of Jewish Refugees, Friends’ Meeting House, Hartington Grove, Cambridge. (AS)

Oct 2013. Invited Lecture in Madingley Lecture Series, ‘What’s Wrong with Wrongdoing?’ (AS)